On Page SEO

On Page SEO

After we determine the site’s issues during site audit and has a list of keyword target after keyword research. It’s time to tackle the ON PAGE SEO. It’s time to do the work.


So you have data from the site audit and a list of keyword, now what to do with them? That’s where on-page SEO comes in. It’s like making sure your website speaks the same language as search engines, so they can show it to more people.


Here’s what on-page SEO means:

 1. Keywords Optimization: We make sure those keywords appear in the right places on your website, like in your articles and titles.

 2. Helpful and Easy-to-Read Content: We create content that’s not only easy to understand but also useful for your visitors. That way, they’ll stay longer on your website and learn more about what you offer.

 3. Titles and Short Descriptions: We write catchy titles and short descriptions that show up on search engines. This helps people decide if they want to click and visit your website.

 4. Pictures that Load Quickly: We make sure your pictures are the right size and have descriptions. This helps your website load fast and makes it easier for everyone to understand what’s in the pictures.

 5. Easy-to-Use Website: Your website should be easy to navigate and look good on phones and computers. This makes it pleasant for your visitors to explore.

 6. Fast Website: Nobody likes waiting for a slow website to load. We make sure your website loads quickly so people don’t get frustrated and leave.

 7. Helpful Links: We add links to other parts of your website that are related. It’s like giving your visitors a map to explore your website.


By doing all these things, we make your website more visible to search engines and easier for people to use. It’s like making your website a friendly and inviting place for everyone who visits. Let’s make your website SEO friendly today!